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Elina Maria Winther

Photo: Pernille Greve


PR Manager at Estee Lauder Companies, Elina-Maria Winther, has recently moved into Bülow’s Palæ in Copenhagen together with her husband Carsten, daughter Celine and dog Willy. Their newly renovated apartment still retains the original rooms with exposed beams, crooked angles and arched windows, which posed an exciting challenge for both the interior design and the curtain solutions.


Bülow’s Palæ is an old mansion from 1908 that previously housed the State’s Veterinary Serum Laboratory. Today, it has been completely renovated and offers 18 new homes, all of which exude elegance, quality and a historic vibe. The mansion-like style is evident in the interior, and the materials have been carefully selected: oak floors in herringbone parquet, natural stone tiles, elegant stucco and brass fittings can be found in all the apartments, but no two have the same interior or floor plan.

We visited Elina in her new home, where our custom-curved curtain tracks now adorn the arched windows in the living room and bedroom.

Portrait of Elina-Maria Winther / Photo: Pernille Greve

AP 0520 S/ White


During covid, Elina and her husband had bought a fixer-upper house, which they completely renovated. They were happy with the result, but when they became parents in 2022, they needed something new:

“We had outgrown our apartment; it was too impractical with a small child. When we saw an opportunity in the market, we seized it. We transitioned to the rental market, which can be quite overwhelming. However, thanks to Instagram algorithms, I came across the Bülow’s Palæ renovation project and instantly fell in love with the grand building’s history and unique materials.”

“It was crucial for us to find a long-term home suitable for our work and family life in the city. This place felt truly special, so we added our names to the waiting list.”

Bülows Palæ er en gammel ejendom fra 1908
Entre i Bülows Palæ


The family was invited to an open house in July, on the same day they were departing for their summer holiday in Italy, and they passed by Bülow’s Palæ en route to the airport:

“We were informed that we had to express our interest in specific apartments, and the notifications would come the next day. Although we had considered other options, nothing compared to this. We didn’t believe we had a chance, with 18 apartments for 100 people, the odds were almost nonexistent. But we were captivated by the building’s charm, and we couldn’t envision living anywhere else. We went to the airport, couldn’t stop discussing it, and almost lost hope by the next afternoon. Then they called and offered us an apartment. We were overjoyed!”

Badeværelse i Bülows Palæ
Køkkenøen med specielle bjælker i Bülows Palæ


The couple had several months to look forward to and prepare for the move and had a lot of dreams and plans. The apartment is on the second floor and has exposed beams, sloping walls with charming nooks and a kitchen island. How does one furnish such a unique space?

“We’ve decorated with our personal style, while paying homage to the original features. In addition to being a protected landmark property, it is also a rental, so you really cannot change anything. The built-in spotlights, for instance, offer practical lighting, but we wanted to incorporate stylish and characterful lamps. We wanted a lamp above the kitchen island, but we were not allowed to mount anything in the exposed, original beams.”

“The solution struck us on a Sunday afternoon and so we went straight to Genbyg (a shop selling recycled construction materials). We had some old beams custom-cut and promptly installed them. My husband is an electrician and skilled with tools. When guests visit, they believe these beams are original,” says Elina.


“One area where we could truly express our unique style was in choosing the curtain solutions. Curtains were a must in the living room. Even though there’s only one original window with what I’ve now learned is called a church arch, we wanted to introduce textiles to infuse warmth and texture into the living space. Our apartment didn’t accommodate a standard solution, which led to extensive research and discussions with numerous experts. I eventually discovered that the curtain tracks needed to be shaped with a church arch bending.”


Elinas friend Majbrit Weidemann recommended Stilling, knowing that our technical department are experts in bending and milling. The custom curved tracks are meticulously crafted by trained artisans. For Elinas apartment we employed discreet, white AP 0520 S tracks, milled by hand. The curtain tracks, which are produced in 75% recycled aluminium, were shaped like long arches, which precisely follow the curve of the window.

The beige, semi-transparent textile from ArneAksel is tailored as a single pleated panel, allowing flexibility to draw it to either side as needed. Cascading gracefully and slightly pooling on the floor, the curtain complements the majestic surroundings. It is beautifully framed by two original wooden beams.

Stilling curtain track with church arches
Kirke buk og valsning af Stilling gardinskinner
buede vinduer med AP 0520 S skinner


Elina and her husband were certain that they wanted double-layered curtains in the bedroom:

“We are very inspired by the atmosphere in Audo’s hotel rooms. We’re the type of people who choose a hotel based on its aesthetics, as we enjoy bringing back inspiration. At Audo, much like in Bülow’s Palæ, you encounter the charming angles and darkness, which I find extremely beautiful.”

The solution was the so called hotel curtains, featuring two white, custom-curved AP 0520 S tracks installed in parallel. One carries a semi-transparent, dark gray inner curtain, while the other supports a dense, sand-colored outer curtain.

“With 500 student homes being built next to Bülow’s Palæ, we needed something that could both screen and aesthetically elevate the space. That’s why we opted for a two-layered solution. The inner curtain offers transparency while providing some darkness, and the outer curtain ensures complete blackout.”

“We also require this for our daughter, who sometimes needs to sleep while it’s still light outside. It works like a charm to close off completely and then it’s ‘good night’. That’s what I appreciate about hotels; the ability to block out all light. I couldn’t imagine a bedroom without this option.”


Whether it’s in the quest for unique lamps, adding extra ceiling beams, or creating custom-curved curtain tracks, tailored solutions are imperative for a home as distinctive and organic as the one in Bülow’s Palæ.

“I appreciate possessions that stay with you for a lifetime, but sometimes interior items are only perfect for the specific home they were acquired for. I ended up selling much of the furniture from our previous apartment to the new owners, who recognized their perfect fit there. And I love that everything in this apartment is custom-made for exactly these rooms, including the curtain tracks. Although I’m not particularly fond of the term ‘practical,’ I have to admit that my curtains embody just that—practicality—while also serving as aesthetic elements that embrace the rooms and infuse a feeling of tranquility and warmth” says Elina.

Stuen hos Elina i Bulows palæ
Spisetuen i lejligheden i Bülows Palæ
Koekken hos Elina Maria i Bulows palæ